УДК 069.003
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-1-14
The economic essence of the category “anti-crisis potential of a construction company” is revealed, its constituent elements are highlighted and their characteristics are given. The peculiarities of using the anti-crisis potential to overcome the crisis, restore financial stability and solvency of the enterprise are studied. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article are the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists who have studied the issues of crisis management and crisis potential. The main theoretical provisions related to solving the problem of formation and use of anti-crisis potential of construction companies, allow to increase economic stability and, as a consequence, the competitiveness of construction companies in conditions of increased instability of the environment. The necessity of early diagnosis of crisis phenomena of construction enterprises, reliability of forecasting the loss of financial stability and the lack of sufficient information base create a problematic situation and the need for its scientific and practical solution. It is determined that the main components that need to be analysed are intellectual, material, investment and financial, labour and organizational resources and infrastructure in order to form and implement the anti-crisis potential of the construction company. Approaches to assessing and managing the financial stability of the enterprise are aimed at developing new and adapting existing models, methods, techniques that can not only provide sufficient information about the current state of a small construction company, but also assess the base and opportunities for further development of this enterprise. The article analyses the different authors’ approaches to indicators of crisis development of construction companies. Based on the analysis of generalizations and preliminary selection of factors is carried out that can signal the onset of crisis phenomena. The selected indicators will be used for further mathematical processing and selection of those that can best signal the loss of small business economic stability.
Keywords: anti-crisis potential, anti-crisis management, financial stability, insolvency, indicators for bankruptcy forecasting, small construction companies, crisis forecasting.
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The article was received 19.12.2019