УДК 338.2
Introduction. The current situation of many enterprises necessitates the creation of effective organizational and economic mechanisms of financial and economic protection of agricultural enterprises in order to realize the internal resource, increase the market value of the agro-food business on the background of opening new opportunities, increasing competitiveness and raising the industry in the future.
The purpose of the study is to develop a typology of mechanisms for maintaining the economic security of agricultural enterprises.
Results. The tasks are given, which should be solved by the organizational and economic mechanism of economic security. The structure of organizational and economic mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is presented. A two-tier organizational and economic mechanism of economic security is provided, where at the first level the problems of protection of agro-food enterprises should be solved, and the second level should complement the mechanism of solving sectoral problems in their spatial and resource provision. Functional tasks of economic security of agro-food enterprises are defined. The scheme of risk management process is presented in the context of organizational and economic mechanism formation of economic security and business financial protection, which should provide operational risk management solutions within and outside the enterprise. The factors are highlighted under the influence of which the economic security mechanism of the agro-food enterprises are subject to negative transformations and which are mainly related to the stabilization of the financial equilibrium. The main criteria of the economic security mechanism efficiency of the enterprise in the long run are substantiated: return on equity and economic equilibrium. The consequences of the decrease in the return on equity are identified. It is proved that the economic equilibrium of the enterprise is the embodiment of effective management decisions in the field of economic security and optimal management of the economic potential of the enterprise.
Key words: economic security, mechanism, agro-food sphere, risk management, financial protection.
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The article was received 10.12.2018