УДК: 330.101:338.24
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-4-3
Introduction. The role of state regulation of the agro-food sector should be to create a legal framework and ensure equal fair access to state resources, ensure budget inclusion and reasonable use of mechanisms to encourage agricultural entities to pursue social inclusion through co-financing and participation.
The purpose of the article is to study and generalize the theoretical and methodological foundations of state regulation of inclusive development in the agro-food sector.
Results. The strategic goal of creating a system of inclusive development of the agro-food sector, which is to achieve comprehensive accelerated development of agriculture on the involvement basis, barrier-free and effective cooperation of all agro-food entities to improve the welfare of citizens and local communities, human capital, poverty and inequalities. The concepts of “paternalistic system of inclusive development” and “market model of inclusive development” are proposed, as well as the differences between them, which consist of different role models for the state and citizens in creating public goods and their distribution. The necessity of the market model introduction for inclusive development taking into account the institutional weakness of the state, the essential principles of the inclusive paradigm and the peculiarities of the agro-food sphere of Ukraine is substantiated. It is shown that in the agro-industrial complex the implementation of inclusive and sustainable development approaches requires improvement of interaction between the subjects in this sphere on the basis of ‘win-win’ principles and increase of mutual trust, the absence of which causes a number of structural imbalances.
Conclusions. It is theoretically substantiated that strengthening the distribution function of the state through the introduction of new taxes will reduce the financial stability and investment attractiveness of agro-food holdings, which are important taxpayers and drivers of socially responsible strategies that do not meet the strategic interests of the state and agro-food complex. The main functions of the state in regulating the inclusive development of the agro-food sector are determined. Prospects for further research are to develop applied tools for inclusive development and outstanding role models for various agro-food actors in the implementation of this system.
Key words: social inclusion, inclusive development, system of inclusive development of agro-food sphere, state regulation of inclusive development.
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The article was received 12.08.2020