Content of the publication
1. |
Foreign experience of motivational influence on the organizational culture of the enterprise
Lagodiienko V., Ihumentseva N., Ponomarov S.
2. |
Financial technologies in the system of strategic business managemen
Mandych O., Ryzhikova N., Birchenko N., Borodai D.
3. |
Principles of identification of threats and status of economic security of agricultural enterprises
Kukhar O.
4. |
The essence and place of management technology in the enterprise management system
Pererva I.
5. |
Assessment of the level of competitiveness of domestic agricultural enterprises in the domestic market of the country
Volyk S.
6. |
Socio-economic security as a factor of ensuring the organization competitiveness
Shaposhnyk B., Chernikov D.
7. |
Implementation of distance learning and couching system as factors of employees’ motivation at an enterprise
Mazorenko O., Polezhaieva O., Kozhevnikova K.
8. |
Current tendencies in the development of communication activities as a tool of public administration
Vilgin Y., Belyavtseva V.
9. |
Foreign experience: models of financing and organization of health care systems
Kalinichenko S., Avriata A., Kharchevnikova L., Oliinyk I.
10. |
Directions for improving the interaction of local government bodies with civil society institutions of the public authority in the conditions of war in Ukraine
Eryomka D.
11. |
Status, and problems in the implementation of communication strategies of public administration bodies
Maslyak M., Jain P. K.
12. |
Certain issues of sanctioning criminal law provisions
Korabel M.
13. |
A share in the authorised capital of a business entity (corporate share) as an object of property and contractual rights
Ponomarenko O., Vahanova I., Minenko S.
14. |
Innovative state policy in the agricultural industrial complex of Ukraine as a factor of ensuring food security
Klymenko N.
15. |
Regarding the definition of the concepts of fire and technological safety in the criminal law of Ukraine
Yashchenko A.
16. |
Models of territorial development based on the application of a process-oriented business approach
Stehnei M., Neimet V., Mykhalchynets N., Prokopets R., Liulchenko S.
17. |
Foresight of digital transformations of the national economy and their impact on ensuring innovative development
Irtyshcheva I., Kramarenko I., Bogatyrev K., Hryshyna N., Kupchyshyna O., Rakipov V.
18. |
Development of the potential-forming space of regional economic systems based on digitalization
Perepeliukova O.
19. |
Monitoring the circularity of economic systems
Kuzoma V.
20. |
Blockade of the western border during a full-scale war as a threat to Ukraine’s customs security
Prokopenko V., Zubrytskyi A., Revak I., Pidkhomnyi O.
21. |
Personnel management in the conditions of digitization and construction of economy 4.0
Slavkova O.