УДК: 336.71:005.35
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2024-3-18
This research paper aims to determine the priority directions for developing the modern oil crops market. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was based on economic theory, the dialectical method, and the fundamental principles of economic theory and management. It also drew on scientific works by domestic and foreign scientists on the development of the oilseed market. The research employed various methods, including analysis and synthesis to study the current state and development trends of the oil crops market, monographic methods to investigate the causes of low oil crop yields, and abstract-logical methods for theoretical generalization of research results and formulation of conclusions. The study focused on analyzing the production and development of the primary oilseed crops market, including the dynamics of production and the structure of the sown areas of oilseeds in the industrial crops area. The study also determined the synchronicity of sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed seed yield fluctuations. The research proves that Ukraine is a significant exporter of oil crops worldwide. Improving product quality and exploring new export markets can enhance the growth of this agricultural sector. Diversifying the range of oil crops cultivated in Ukraine can increase the sector’s resilience to market fluctuations and climatic conditions. The study calculated pairwise correlation coefficients to determine the synchronicity of fluctuations in sunflower and rapeseed yield and their use. The results showed a strong correlation (0.99) between the yield fluctuations of sunflowers, indicating closely related changes. There was also a high correlation (0.95) between the yield variations of sorghum and rape, indicating a negative relationship between the two crops. Additionally, a correlation of 0.91 was found between the yield variations of sunflower use and rape, indicating a close relationship between the yields of these crops. Overall, these correlation coefficients confirm the opposite response of the studied oil crops to natural and climatic conditions affecting their productivity. Identifying the critical areas for developing the oilseed market will help enhance the competitiveness of Ukraine’s agricultural sector on the global agri-food markets and support diversification.
Keywords: market of oil crops, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, export, import, profitability, coefficient of variation.
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The article was received 02.04.2024