УДК: 351: 085/12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2024-2-8
The article substantiates theoretical and methodological recommendations for developing organizational support for implementing a project approach to public management of spatial development based on the selection of projects by united territorial communities depending on their various types. The practical implementation of the proposed organizational support aims to create conditions for the financial capacity of territorial communities, ensure self-sufficiency, and expand their competitive advantages by shifting the focus from local self-government subsidies to program and project support for local development. The article proposes different types of territorial communities based on indicators of their actual development in the consequences of military aggression, considering the resulting destruction and losses and the geographical location of the aggressor country. It is noted that the use of a project approach to public management of the spatial development of territorial communities of various types involves not only the formation of projects that meet the development goals and characteristics of the territory, take into account the availability of resources and the possibility of forming tools for implementation, but also creates conditions for ensuring the urgent needs of the community, in particular in the war and post-war period of recovery of Ukraine, uses the interrelationships between all the components of the management system of the spatial development of territories, provides the opportunity to substantiate the choice of the appropriate project for implementation by types of territorial communities and to adjust management decisions taking into account the dynamism of the external and internal environment. The following were highlighted: communities in a crisis, communities at risk, and rear communities. Significant differences in socio-economic development, current problems, and needs for priority solutions affect the formation of strategic priorities and the definition of programs and projects to restore and develop territories. The selection of projects in the public management of spatial development of united territorial communities of various types requires the application of various criteria, which allows them to be grouped (by direction, time, conditions, participants, and resources) and to determine priority, availability, and efficiency.
Keywords: local self-government, project, project approach, public administration, territorial community, effectiveness of project activity, united territorial community, community readiness level for project activity.
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The article was received 05.03.2024