УДК: 33:001.9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-3-16
The article is devoted to the study of the role of human resources, determining its functional impact on the system of economic potential of the enterprise. The analysis of factors influencing the formation of personnel policy of business entities is carried out, the main of which are: type of activity, direction of product and industry specialization, scale of production, size, level of capitalization. The rational conditions of application of personnel policy variants depending on the actual internal environment of the enterprise and features of its interaction with the external environment are determined (on the basis of multifaceted classification). Improving the efficiency of personnel policy management is considered in the aspects of improving personnel management; improving the motivation system; information support of personnel policy; improving social relations; controlling staff. The conclusion about the highest potential of active and preventive types of personnel policy of the organization is received. Emphasis is placed on the training of management staff as an active element in the acquisition of the whole system of qualities of innovation and dynamism. The basis of the company is staffing, its formation includes a number of interrelated processes, namely: the initial formation of staff, staff development, improving staff through retraining, training, motivation, professional competence, career management. The connection between staffing and personnel planning is revealed. Elements and goals of the latter are highlighted. The process of recruitment as an element of personnel marketing is considered. Employee management emphasizes the analysis of mechanisms for securing staff as a set of systemic measures, including methods aimed at hiring employees in the organization for a long period of time, reducing staff turnover, ensuring the priority of interests and needs of the organization over the interests and needs of employees. The definition of «staffing», «staff development», «functional training of management staff» has been improved.
Keywords: personnel potential, economic potential, personnel policy, personnel provision, personnel planning, personnel marketing, intellectual potential.
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The article was received 02.05.2020