Actual problems of innovative economy and law

Journal "Actual problems of innovative economy and law" is included in category B for specialties: in the field of knowledge "Management and administration": 073, 076 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23.08.2023 No. 1035) and 071, 072, 075 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543); in the field of knowledge "Social and behavioral sciences" 051 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 23, 2023 No. 1035); in the field of knowledge "Law" - 081 and "Public management and administration" - 281 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543).
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Organizational principles of subsystems formation of monitoring and control in the management system of agricultural enterprises

УДК 631.153


Havrylko I. M.


Introduction. Existing economic conditions require companies to use tools to identify reserves of efficiency in the management system. The development of agricultural business entities is largely influenced by the information factor. The analysis of information resources should be aimed at taking into account past events and forecasting prospects.

The purpose of the research is to develop the organizational basis for the subsystems formation of monitoring and control in the management system of agricultural businesses.

Results. The importance of monitoring as a research method in the activity of an agricultural enterprise is substantiated. The role of monitoring in the management system of agribusiness entities is defined. The necessity of using a systematic approach to ensure the effectiveness of monitoring the enterprise activities is proved. The system of process-structured management is characterized. The essence of the stages of the management system formation in the context of management functions is revealed. The need to avoid the duplication problem of information collection and analysis functions in the agricultural enterprise activities is emphasized. A formal approach to strategic planning has been established. The requirements to be met by information in the market environment are outlined. The expediency of using the system of balanced indicators is substantiated for the formation of the information base of control. The main task of the adaptive control system is determined. The introduction of a forecasting model in the process of strategic planning is proposed. The phases of strategic planning are characterized. The economic effect of using the forecasting model is determined. It is proved that the implementation of the development strategy is possible due to changes in all subsystems of the agricultural enterprise.

Conclusions. Approaches to the introduction of elements in the management system of an agricultural enterprise are considered and it is established that the most appropriate is the instrumental concept. The integration of monitoring and control tools means the development and implementation of a certain organizational mechanism. This mechanism will promote the effective use of the potential of the agricultural enterprise. Management decisions in the management system of an agricultural enterprise will be based on relevant information.

Key words: monitoring, control, agricultural enterprise, organizational principles, management, strategic planning.


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The article was received 15.12.2019