Actual problems of innovative economy and law

Journal "Actual problems of innovative economy and law" is included in category B for specialties: in the field of knowledge "Management and administration": 073, 076 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23.08.2023 No. 1035) and 071, 072, 075 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543); in the field of knowledge "Social and behavioral sciences" 051 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 23, 2023 No. 1035); in the field of knowledge "Law" - 081 and "Public management and administration" - 281 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543).
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Money security of employees of the national police of Ukraine as one of the directions of professional motivation

УДК: 349.232


Holovan Tetiana,
Candidate of Sciences (in Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Criminal Law and Process,
H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,

In the conditions of declared martial law, the National Police has a special place due to the content of its tasks and functions, not only in martial law conditions but also in those defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police.” The direct provision of the state’s internal security in the conditions of the existing state of war depends precisely on the effectiveness of the work of the National Police. This necessitates the need to find new and improved ways of increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. In addition, the rejuvenation of the composition of the National Police of Ukraine, which took place during the reform process, requires a more responsible attitude to issues of professional motivation. After all, police officers have a high degree of labor mobility, which requires a broader use of modern motivation tools for further attraction and retention in the service. Motivation remains the factor that directly affects the activity and efficiency of the performance of professional tasks, and an essential condition for the successful operation of the law enforcement system is the interested participation of all personnel of the police authorities in increasing the effectiveness and quality of work. In this context, special attention is paid to the financial support, which is established by police officers considering the conditions and features of their service in the National Police in order to stimulate and increase the efficiency of their performance of their official duties. At the same time, financial support should provide sufficient and appropriate material conditions for life, compensate for intellectual and physical costs, stimulate, etc.

Keywords: professional motivation, reformation, social protection, social security, remuneration, salary, monetary support, salary, allowances, allowances, bonuses, particular labor law subjects, National Police of Ukraine.


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The article was received 20.02.2024