Actual problems of innovative economy and law

Journal "Actual problems of innovative economy and law" is included in category B for specialties: in the field of knowledge "Management and administration": 073, 076 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23.08.2023 No. 1035) and 071, 072, 075 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543); in the field of knowledge "Social and behavioral sciences" 051 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 23, 2023 No. 1035); in the field of knowledge "Law" - 081 and "Public management and administration" - 281 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543).
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Modern features of management of investment and innovation project

УДК: 330.341


Унинець-Ходаківська Валентина Павлівна,
кандидат економічних наук, доцент,
в.о. ректора Університету державної фіскальної служби України
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7263-9637


Introduction. The investment and innovation path of economic development forms a solid basis for conducting competitive business, increasing incomes, and forming economic security at all levels. Therefore, in modern conditions, the management of investment and innovation projects as the main tools for the development of economic entities requires systematic monitoring and regulation throughout the process of their implementation, which will identify risks and propose measures to level them in the initial stages.

The purpose of the article is to identify the main tools and determine the mechanisms of their application in the management of investment and innovation projects.

Results. Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of investment and innovation projects are studied. The current state of management of innovation and investment projects in Ukraine is described. The latest approaches have been identified and several measures have been proposed to intensify more effective management of investment and innovation projects at enterprises. It is noted that the application of the project approach plays a significant role in the formation and development of the entrepreneurial activity. The need and importance of developing tactics and strategies for the implementation of such projects, which will allow receiving maximum dividends from investments in the future, was emphasized. The necessity of the state policy on the formation of a favorable investment climate is pointed out.

Conclusions. Ways to improve the management of innovation and investment projects in enterprises are proposed. The hypothesis for further scientific research on the elimination of risks in the management of investment and innovation projects is substantiated. A number of conclusions and recommendations are formulated. They are aimed at determining the main tools and mechanisms of their application in the management of investment and innovation projects.

Keywords: projects, investments, innovations, economic entities.


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The article was received 03.01.2021