УДК: 005.21.351.77(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-3-12
Introduction. The issue of strategic management in the health care field is very acute for Ukraine, as to date, the heads of health care institutions do not use the tools and methods of strategic management to organize activities in such institutions. Thus, all this highlights the need to study the methods of strategic management in the health care field and find out the optimal mechanisms for their implementation.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods of strategic management in the health care field for the development of the national industry.
Results. In the course of research, the materials of our own researches, and also separate scientific publications of national and foreign authors concerning methods and tools of strategic management are used. Such scientific methods as morphological analysis, analysis and synthesis, empirical approach are used. Theoretical analysis of existing methods and tools of strategic management is carried out. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the methods of strategic management in the field of health care are based on the laws and patterns of intra-industry management, which also take into account the scientific and technical level of development in the medical field. The role of a systematic approach in strategic health management is explained.
Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it is proved that the unstable situation in the international environment and the impact of certain global factors, which include the COVID-19 pandemic; competition, significant development of medical equipment and technologies, determine the historical transformation of traditional management methods in the field of health care. Applying a systematic approach to strategic management of the industry expands the possibilities of planning long-term health care policy and determines a multi-purpose and comprehensive approach to intra-industry organizational and functional segments of the national health sector.
Key words: health care, strategic management, methods of strategic management, tools of strategic management, branch of health care.
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The article was received 15.04.2020