УДК 331.22
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-1-10
Introduction. Given the general awareness of the development of KPI for workers in various fields of employment, the lion’s share of research is aimed at analyzing and implementing this system in the automotive, metallurgy and service sectors and very few publications on the food industry, and more precisely – dairy. However, the food industry is of particular interest because it simultaneously tries to cope with a number of factors that are not specific to other industries, such as short shelf life of raw materials and finished products, strict hygiene rules, seasonality, and high supply and uncertainty of demand.
The purpose of the article is to highlight one of the elements of progress in solving the problem of effective management of labor potential of dairy enterprises based on the use of key performance indicators (KPI) for the area of packaging of finished products.
Results. The article outlines the general characteristics of the concept of employee motivation and key performance indicators, which are increasingly used in the practice of enterprises to increase their own productivity at minimal cost.
Today, one of the key stages of dairy production is the process of packing them in consumer packaging. Despite the automation of this process, the central place in ensuring the productive operation of the packing machine is occupied by man. Also, in the process of packaging involved people who pack the finished product on pallets, the speed of which, most often, determines the overall performance of the machine. In this regard, an algorithm has been developed to intensify the work of this stage of production as a limiting stage of dairy production at the enterprise.
Conclusions. KPI is an effective management tool that allows you to build production so that the goals will be achieved using the optimal level of resources. The manager, using KPI, sets goals for the unit and employees for a certain period, providing these units with the necessary resources, and on this basis requires the achievement of agreed goals. This tool not only ensures the achievement of business goals, but also controls the rational use of company resources, obtains the necessary statistical information on the basis of which decisions can be made on the further development of the company, creates a business efficiency management tool.
Key words: motivation, key efficiency indicators, process efficiency, milk processing enterprise.
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The article was received 20.12.2019