УДК: 33.012.4
Introduction. Competition promotes the development and functioning of socio-economic systems. Competitive relationships are characterized by a multi-directional impact on the economic performance of the entities. It is necessary to evaluate the current theories of competition, taking into account the impact of the economic environment. The evolution of competition theories is conditioned by their historical genesis and socio-economic processes that have taken place over a period of time.
The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological role of existing theories of competition for the study of complex socio-economic processes, phenomena and systems.
Results. The scientific views that became the basis of competition theory are noted. The reasons for the expansion of the subject area of competition theory research are identified. Comparison of classical and neoclassical paradigms of theoretical studies of the outlined domain is made. The need to systematize existing theories of competition has been established. The need to systematize existing theories of competition has been established. The scheme of the process of detailing the strategies of the enterprises-producers competitive behavior in these target markets is presented. It is noted that the proposed strategies are not universal. Their implementation depends on the economic environment and the characteristics of the subject of economic relations. The correspondence of the competitive behavior detailed strategies of the competitive structure type of the target market of the enterprise’s products sales is determined. A methodological approach to identifying management strategies is proposed.
Conclusions. The role of the considered concepts in the modern theory formation of competition is determined. It is established that the modern theory of competition is based on the classical and neoclassical stages provisions of the competition theory formation. The systematization of conceptual approaches to the competition interpretation will optimize the process of economic research on competitive relations. The recommendations formed by the results of the systematization will help to increase the level of economic relations efficiency.
Key words: competition, competitive market structure, competitive behavior, strategy, development.
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The article was received 12.12.2018