Actual problems of innovative economy and law

Journal "Actual problems of innovative economy and law" is included in category B for specialties: in the field of knowledge "Management and administration": 073, 076 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23.08.2023 No. 1035) and 071, 072, 075 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543); in the field of knowledge "Social and behavioral sciences" 051 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 23, 2023 No. 1035); in the field of knowledge "Law" - 081 and "Public management and administration" - 281 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.20.2023 No. 1543).
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Methodological principles of marketing activity evaluation at agricultural entities

УДК: 339.138:338


Гіржева Ольга Миколаївна,
кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри
підприємництва, торгівлі та біржової діяльності, Харківський національний технічний
університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка,
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4548-3512


Introduction. One of the most important factors in ensuring the economic stability of agribusiness is marketing and marketing activities, so the development of methodological approaches to its evaluation based on a system of balanced scores, taking into account the characteristics of the industry, strategic business orientation will allow businesses to implement operational and strategic goals. tasks for sustainable development based on the implementation of marketing functions. The marketing system of the agricultural sector of the economy has its own characteristics, which are determined by the specifics of agricultural products, in contrast to industrial enterprises, for which most scientists have developed methods for evaluating the implementation of marketing activities and its effectiveness.

The purpose of the article is to develop methodological principles for evaluating marketing policy and measures for its implementation in agricultural enterprises and other business entities.

Results. In general, the effectiveness of marketing activities is defined as the ratio of total discounted profit received from the implementation of marketing activities in each year of the accounting period, to the total discounted costs of these activities. Marketing activities are considered effective if the rate of return is higher than the capital rate, and ineffective one if it is lower. The proposed method of assessing the status and effectiveness of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises is to conduct a questionnaire survey of managers and determine the quantitative indicators of the state of marketing activities, obtained by methods of questionnaires and diagnostics of enterprises according to reporting data.

Conclusions. As the main efficiency indicators of marketing activity of agricultural producers, it is offered to use the following: market share of the enterprise in the basic markets of the made production, relative market share concerning the leader, growth rates of sales, profitability of sales and profitability of the enterprise; efficiency ratio using market share and level of product profitability.

Keywords: methodology, methods, evaluation, marketing, agricultural entities.


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The article was received 10.08.2020