УДК: 342.34(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2024-2-6
The article contains a justification of the methodological foundations of the study of local democracy. The importance of the mentioned question is determined by the need for greater methodological clarity in the study of the state of local democracy, which will contribute to streamlining the system of relations between the government and society’s practical activity. The article states that the starting point for such a subject of research as the development of local democracy is the provision of the natural right of a person to decide the issue of his own life directly or indirectly, which corresponds to the community theory of the formation of self-governing power. The point of view of Y. Habermas is supported by the fact that the political system of a particular state is defined as democratic to the extent that the decision-makers in power are elected through impartial periodic elections, during which candidates compete for voters’ votes. It is noted that competitiveness and participation, necessary for studying the local democratic process, determine the formation of research principles and the choice of research methods. The methodology for the study of democratic processes at the local level should reflect its interdisciplinary nature (local democracy is the subject of research not only in public administration but also in law, political science, sociology, history, etc.), the formation of close relations between the population and local government and their mutual influence, which in the best way form the conditions of direct democracy. The article substantiates that the peculiarities of the methodology of the study of the development of local democracy are determined by: a) differences of territorial communities in terms of size (population), economic development, distribution of power; b) the presence of two components in the structure of local democracy: participation and competitiveness; c) absence in the political process or extreme weakness of competition for ideas; d) the determinism of local democracy by many factors, which requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach to its study.
Keywords: methodology, principle, tool, participation, competitiveness, local democracy, method, interdisciplinary approach.
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The article was received 25.02.2024