УДК 334
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-1-7
Khvostikov A. Methodical approach to determining the development level of international trade and economic relations in the agricultural sector.
Introduction. To ensure the effectiveness of the country’s foreign economic policy, it is necessary to form an effective system of international trade and economic relations (ITER). The priority of the development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine necessitates the determination of the peculiarities of these relations in this area. To create the appropriate management tools, it is necessary to develop the methodological approach to determine the development level of this area.
The purpose of the study is to determine the content and sequence of implementation of the methodological approach to determine the development level of international economic relations in the agricultural sector.
Results. The paper presents a sequence of the developed methodical approach, which includes 5 stages, where each is characterized by the use of many methods and obtaining the corresponding results. At the first stage, which involves the analysis of existing approaches, it is proposed to use traditional methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and systematization. At the second stage of substantiation of the set of indicators of the analysis it is offered to use methods of comparison and generalization. In the third stage, which includes checking the sample for the normal distribution law, it’s proposed to use the graphical method. The fourth stage involves the calculation of the integrated indicator of the development of ITER by forms, which is implemented using taxonomic analysis. The fifth stage involves the substantiation of the patterns of development of ITER in the agricultural sector, which is implemented using an analytical method. The generalization of methods of multidimensional statistical analysis for the study of international trade and economic relations has been done with the definition of their advantages and disadvantages. The indicators to be used for evaluation are considered. The classification of indicators into stimulants, destimulants and nominators is considered.
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The article was received 11.12.2019