УДК: 656.078:331.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-3-8
Introduction. In accordance with modern trends, which are characterized by variability and unpredictability of the external and internal environment, it is important to use adapted and flexible management tools that will be aimed at ensuring and guaranteeing the economic security of the enterprise. Given the fact that personnel security remains the main element of the security system, because the staff is involved in all business processes at the enterprise, the issues of its formation and provision in changing business conditions become relevant. The purpose of the article is to develop and characterize the scheme of formation and implementation of the personnel security system, as well as to outline the tools of the mechanism of compliance with the personnel security of agricultural enterprises.
Results. It is established that the formation of mechanisms and systems of personnel security management of enterprises is a reaction of their management to the challenges of the external and internal environment, which are a consequence of the manifestation of the corresponding risks and threats. The basis of personnel security at the enterprise is a system of measures, levers and tools to prevent personnel risks and threats, integration of rules, algorithms and procedures for personnel management in the overall management system of the enterprise, creating dynamic systems of motivation and incentives to compensate for negative manifestations of economic behavior in the process of performing production and management functions and responsibilities. It is substantiated that staff development in the context of personnel security includes such processes as: assessment of the knowledge level, skills and abilities of staff and identification of the need for staff training; budgeting for professional development of staff; formation the training program and personnel development; implementation of the personnel development program; evaluation of training effectiveness. The shortcomings and measures to eliminate them in relation to the process of personnel security formation as a functional component of enterprise economic security are identified.
Keywords: personnel security, personnel security system, personnel security mechanism, tools, agricultural enterprises.
The article was received 15.05.2020