УДК: 338.5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2021-1-6
In the article analyzes the development of the domestic stock market. It is substantiated that crop futures are a derivative financial instrument on the stock exchange, which provides for the obligation of its seller or buyer to periodically transfer sums of money to the opposite party depending on changes in the market price of grain, and (or) the obligation delivery of grain on time. It is determined that only under the conditions of joint efforts on the part of the state, the exchange community, participants of the agrarian market that will allow bringing the exchange commodity market closer to civilized bases. In the article there is a study of the essence, main functions and problems of development of grain futures of the exchange market of agricultural products and coverage of possible prospects and its development. The basis of the research is the following general scientific methods: monographic and dialectical – to collect, systematize and process information in order to conduct research on the functionality and purpose of grain futures in the stock market of agricultural products. Based on the study, the concept of grain futures for agricultural products was defined, which fixes the affiliation of this financial instrument to the number of derivatives and discloses its content through the obligatory relationship of seller and (or) buyer regarding the periodic transfer of money to the clearing house. Depending on the change in the market price of grain or on the occurrence of an obligation to supply grain within the specified period.
Keywords: exchange; stock market; futures; agricultural market; grain exchange; grain market; stock commodity market.
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The article was received 05.12.2020