УДК 338:43:330.341.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-1-6
Introduction. Investment and innovation processes in the activities of agribusiness entities are associated with many areas of their activities. The use of new combinations of productive forces of agricultural enterprises is an important task in the development of agro-industrial production. The obtained effective results have a positive effect on all areas of activity of the agricultural enterprise.
The purpose of scientific research is the formation of investment mechanisms and institutional conditions for the development of technical and technological component of the resource potential of agricultural enterprises.
Results. The existence of a deficit of own working resources of production in the activity of agricultural enterprises is established. The importance of the technological cycle as a factor of agro-industrial production is substantiated. The unstable nature of the results of the growth of gross output in agro-industrial production from raising funds was noted. The reasons for the mismatch of the agricultural sector to the existing consumer demand of processing sectors are described. The essence and reasons for the relationship between the development of agro-industrial production and the expansion of investment opportunities of agricultural enterprises are outlined. The tendency to increase the number of agricultural enterprises and reduce the number of employees in this area has been identified. The unprofitable nature of the activity of agricultural enterprises has been established. The expediency of state support of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. Motivational motives for the development of investment and innovation activities of agro-industrial enterprises have been identified and characterized. Recommendations for the implementation of world experience in relation to state support for innovation of agricultural enterprises are offered. The principles of the state agrarian policy are described. The low level of adaptability of the existing legislative and normative regulation of the activity of agro-industrial enterprises is noted. Measures for the implementation of the modernization course of agricultural enterprises are proposed.
Keywords: agrarian business entity, resource potential, innovation activity, investment activity, state agrarian policy, agro-industrial production.
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The article was received 10.12.2019