УДК: 631.1.016:338.43
Introduction. The key to the company economic development is the implementation of its own strategy. Such a strategy must be well-planned and facilitates rapid response to changes in the external environment. Developing an appropriate strategy, taking into account the processes of globalization and diversification of the economy, contribute to the achievement of the established goals of the agricultural enterprise.
The purpose of the article is to investigate theoretical and practical aspects of forming a strategy for the development of agricultural enterprises.
Results. It is noted that strategic planning is the main tool for forming enterprise development strategy. An expert survey of 25 specialists was conducted to determine the importance of strategic planning in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The strategic documents of the regional and district levels have been evaluated. An ambiguous attitude towards strategic planning has been identified. The necessity of creation of Centers for strategic development support of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. The tasks of a Center for strategic development support of agricultural enterprises have been identified. The scheme of construction of the information-analytical system of the Center for strategic development support of agrarian enterprises is offered. The method of the comparative competitive profile formation for the choice of development strategy is offered. The possibility of changing and supplementing the indicators of the methodology for the analysis is maked. An algorithm for selecting strategic actions is proposed. The algorithm includes a balanced scorecard and quantification procedures.
Conclusions. The evaluation made it possible to establish a positive attitude of specialists to strategic planning. The necessity of the Center for strategic development support creation of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. Centralized collection, synthesis and coordination of strategic information will help to increase the level of validity of the strategic actions choice for agricultural enterprises development in the context of globalization.
Key words: development, strategy, agrarian production, agrarian enterprises, economic growth, efficiency, algorithm.
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The article was received 20.12.2018