УДК 349.2:331.07
Introduction. There is a constant strengthening of the role of international organizations. The regulation of labor relations is the responsibility of the International Labor Organization. The ILO-drafted legislation defines the development of social-labor relations in agriculture.
The purpose of the article is to analyze ILO regulations and reports, to identify the areas of social protection for agricultural workers.
Results. The role and main activities of the ILO (prohibition of forced labor, the right to freedom of association, combating discrimination in the workplace, eradicating the worst forms of child labor) are identified. The areas of improvement of social-labor relations in the agricultural sector are highlighted. The ILO reports were analyzed. It is determined that the «green economy» includes environmental, economic and socio-political aspects and is the key to sustainability of the economy. The importance of the question of biological, chemical risks, the danger of biotechnology application and the ways of their minimization are pointed out. A list of major ILO conventions aimed at regulating agricultural relations is given. The tasks of the agricultural sector labor inspection system are generalized. Inspection functions are highlighted. It was found that there is no function to monitor the application of the living standards of farm workers and their families. The necessity of ratification of Convention No. 141 in Ukraine for the development of social-labor relations in agriculture is substantiated. The importance of the health of the rural population is emphasized.
Conclusions. ILO documents play an important role in the functioning of social and labor relations in the agricultural sector. They are the basis of international standards for the social protection of workers in the agricultural sector. It has been determined that labor inspections are of the highest priority.
Key words: ILO report, ILO conventions, international standard, international labor standard, agriculture, rural worker, social protection.
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The article was received 09.11.2018