УДК: 332.1:658
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-3-6
The article is devoted to the management of the mechanism of economic security in the agrarian sector.
The aim of the article is to develop the conceptual foundations of the management of the mechanism of economic security of the agricultural sector.
Research methods: dialectical method of cognition of economic phenomena, principles of economic theory on economic security; methods of theoretical generalization and comparison were used in the process of processing literature sources and studying the raised questions.
The agrarian policy of Ukraine has signs of situationality and inconsistency, which is explained by the presence of unstructured field of entities that determine the agricultural policy of the industry. One of the priority tasks of today is the development of a regulatory document that will identify key aspects of further strengthening the economic security of the agricultural sector and will be a part of Ukraine’s agricultural policy. Conceptual bases of creating the strategy of development of economic safety of agrarian sector of Ukraine are offered. The aim of the strategy is to form the effective mechanism for managing the economic security of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, as a part of an effective agricultural policy. The integrated approach to the management of the mechanism of economic security of the agrarian sector has made it possible to suggest directions for its improvement. First of all, it is a question of normative-legal and information maintenance, and also the addition of the mechanism of economic safety by such tools as certification and audit.
The application of economic security certification is at the same time a tool for measuring certain indicators of the state of economic security as a whole or its individual components. Monitoring of such indicators provides information on the movement towards achieving the established criteria of economic security of the agricultural sector. The above justifies the feasibility of further development of the institution of economic security certification of the agricultural sector, which will help solve the problem of managing the mechanism of economic security.
Keywords: economic security, agrarian sector, management, mechanism, certification, audit.
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The article was received 15.05.2020