УДК: 338.242.2:631.11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2020-4-14
Introduction. Ukraine’s participation in globalization processes necessitates the application of norms and rules that are recognized and used by leading countries. Thus, agricultural enterprises, which focus on participation in international trade, are forced to revise their own policy of management decisions in favor of the components of sustainable development. Accordingly, a new phenomenon is emerging in the agro-industrial sector – sustainable agriculture, focused on organic production, biotechnology, environmental protection, preservation and restoration of soil fertility, and so on. Therefore, new management mechanisms should be formed to ensure competitiveness in the conditions of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises, which requires the development of an appropriate development concept.
The purpose of the article is to develop conceptual bases for the development of competitive production of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development.
Results. It is outlined that the formation of mechanisms for managing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises on the basis of sustainable development should take into account two essential principles: firstly, it is the formation of a balanced relationship in the triad economy, ecology and social sphere, which means optimal use of human interests and the nature of the resources provided by economic development; secondly, solving the tasks of production, based on the introduction of responsible innovations related to development not only at the present stage, but also taking into account the interests of future generations. It is substantiated that within the concept of competitive production development of agricultural enterprises on the basis of sustainable development the key development areas of economic entities should be: production of environmentally friendly products, funding from various sources of domestic breeding and research institutions, creation of agricultural parks, agribusiness incubators, venture firms and banks for lending to develop new ideas and implement in the production of highly efficient innovations that provide high yields per unit of energy consumed.
Key words: competition, sustainable development, development concept, agricultural enterprises.
- Vol. IV (17). Issue 108. P. 7-11.
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The article was received 15.08.2020