УДК: 658.012.45
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2524-0455-2021-4-10
State cluster policy is mainly aimed at supporting promising industrial clusters, but its focus should include supporting small and medium-sized businesses, especially potentially promising for active innovation, as well as the development of agriculture and agro-industrial complex. Cluster development is becoming a way to increase the competitiveness of regions. The possibility of cluster formation is influenced by the geography of the region, sectoral advantages of its economy, as well as beneficiaries of state or regional financial support (cluster members) subject to their internal cooperation. The current structure of agricultural production includes not only the low competitiveness of many types of agricultural goods, but also the possibility of effective cooperation of agricultural organizations, peasant (farmer) farms and households. The cluster approach to the organization of agricultural production should be considered as a modern way to increase the competitiveness of enterprises of various organizational forms, ensuring the socio-economic development of territories. Competition should be considered the basis in the structure of the cluster formation mechanism, because its underestimated role will slow down the process of cluster formation. All elements of the cluster formation mechanism are interconnected, there is a close connection between them and a significant impact on each other. The general target orientation of all interconnected elements in the cluster formation mechanism is traced – realization of economic interests of all cluster participants, as well as exhaustion of cluster potential of the territory. The cluster should pay special attention to the production of products that are potentially competitive in local, regional, as well as national and global markets.
Key words: agrarian sphere; cluster; competition, cluster approach; economic development; regional features.
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The article was received 15.03.2021